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New Mexico State Of Cannabis w/ John Sedillo



New Mexico State Of Cannabis w/ John Sedillo

We caught up with John Sedillo who is ready to put New Mexico on the map as a major player in the Cannabis industry. John is the founder and CEO of Family Hemp Brands and Ziawanna a newly licensed cannabis company. Please enjoy our conversation with Mr. Sedillo below and be sure to check out

What keeps you motivated after working with the cannabis plant for over 25+ years?

I could answer this question in a single word, PASSION!

However, to expand on that answer, I must include that I have always felt called to be a steward of the cannabis plant. While creating and operating other successful businesses over the last 30 years, I was also quietly, yet actively developing my abilities and knowledge in the cultivation and select breeding of the amazing cannabis plant. Though I am often recognized as an experienced leader in the cannabis industry, I am really just a perpetual student that has stayed hungry and dedicated to discovering, learning, and spreading cannabis knowledge where I can. If I am fortunate, the next 25 years will also be filled with much more cannabis discoveries, learning, and sharing!

Can you tell our readers about the new affiliate/wholesale program you have recently rolled out with Family Hemp Brands?

The idea of introducing an affiliate/wholesale program was born out of the desire to provide an opportunity for small businesses or individuals with active friends, family, and social networks, a way to access our products at a wholesale level for pricing, without the heavy requirements that many brick and mortar retailers can often face. We offer very low (MOQ) buying requirements, full-size product samples, and promotional support to all of our affiliates. It’s important for us to do as much as possible to help them get started in a way that significantly increases their chances of success. Some of our affiliates simply promote our products and get paid through a basic code tracking commission structure and others both promote and sell directly to small stores and end-users and are making substantial commissions while doing so. Our affiliate/wholesale program is nothing like an MLM-type business. No gimmicks, no pyramids, no problems, just great products, good old simple direct sales, and lots of happy customers and affiliate partners.

New Mexico is rolling out its cannabis rules and regulations for adult use, what are some of the initial hurdles you foresee?

As with any new business, program, or industry, there will always be hurdles that you might see coming, as well as those that just jump up and surprise you right before the finish line.

I have to say though, New Mexico regulators have done a great job so far in getting the Adult Use Cannabis program stood up and operating in a way that gives a pathway to both small micro licensed businesses as well as larger operators to ensure a healthy, robust and diverse program that we can all be proud of. Since I’m a perfectionist at heart, I will always be of the opinion that no matter how good things may be, there is always room for improvement but as things stand currently, the New Mexico Adult-Use Cannabis program has done a great job and has continued to listen to operators and consumers alike to ensure an equitable and sustainable program for New Mexicans.

What excites you the most about the New Mexico cannabis program?

The two top things that excite me the most about the New Mexico Adult-Use Cannabis program is first, the economic benefits our state and rural communities will gain through cannabis sales, and second, is the opportunity for New Mexico to now be recognized for its regional uniqueness and the fact that our region can produce truly world-class quality cannabis. New Mexico is already well known for our world-class green chilies, now it’s time to show what we can do with cannabis as well. We bring Heat with our chilies and Fire with our cannabis!

We understand you plan to obtain several cannabis licenses, can you tell us your goals and objectives for 2022?

After growing organic smokable hemp for the past few years, my team and I learned a great deal about how to grow at scale while also maintaining a very high level of quality and consistency in our finished products. Carrying that experience forward, I entered into the Adult Use Cannabis program as a vertical operator and at this point have secured the necessary licenses as required by our state to begin operations.

I am proud to say that my company was in the top 5 for the first licenses issued for the new Adult Use cannabis program. Our production efforts are divided between our indoor and greenhouse facilities. Our single indoor operation has a modest footprint, yet is a state-of-the-art vertical tiered cultivation powerhouse, capable of producing hundreds of frosty pounds per cycle. On the farm, our twelve greenhouses utilize regenerative practices that ensure the highest quality organic cannabis available. Unlike most greenhouse operations that use pots and benches, we plant our cannabis directly into the vital living earth soil that is fortified with the use of various cover crops throughout the season. We also rely heavily on an array of beneficial insects as a primary part of our (IPM) integrated pest management program. As a long-time plant breeder, I am extremely proud that we have a large lineup of unique cannabis cultivars that offer mixed cannabinoid ratios and robust terpene profiles that are sure to keep the most demanding cannabis consumers coming back to see what we drop next. As for our packaged, manufactured products, we utilize only solventless separations to produce the cannabis oils used in our edibles, vapes, and topical products. We do this so that our customers can be sure they are consuming pure, clean, and safe products whether they vape, eat or rub it on their bodies.


You are the newest contributing writer to Grow Magazine, what can we expect in your column?

What an honor to put my knowledge and history with cannabis to work in a new and creative way. My work with cannabis has often resulted in something that I could share. Now I can share in a whole new way. The basis of my column is to tell the stories of some unnamed cannabis OGs from the yesteryears. These are stories that otherwise had been untold due to prohibition and fear of prosecution. Many of these OGs worked in extreme conditions, accomplishing amazing feats, often completely alone in stealth and secrecy. Those cannabis heroes have truly amazing stories that they could never share during the darkest days of cannabis prohibition. Although cannabis is still illegal federally, many believe we will see the re- or de-scheduling of cannabis as a schedule1 drug before long and the threat of prosecution for past activities is really no longer a concern for those individuals. Curating and sharing their stories is a way to honor them and their efforts and to remind others of the exciting, challenging, and sometimes tragic lengths that people have gone to grow and steward a plant for themselves and for others. Look for the Silverback Guerillas.

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The Rise of Fintechasianet: Unraveling the Crypto Facto Revolution




The Rise of Fintechasianet: Unraveling the Crypto Facto Revolution

Riding the Crypto Wave: Fintechasianet’s Crypto Facto Genesis

At the heart of the digital revolution lies cryptocurrency, a decentralized form of digital currency that operates independently of traditional banking systems. Enter Fintechasianet , a trailblazer in the world of fintech, harnessing the power of blockchain technology to revolutionize financial transactions. But what sets apart from the myriad of other players in the field?

Breaking Down Fintechasianet’s Core Offerings

  1. Seamless Transactions: It offers users a seamless experience, allowing for instant peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries.
  2. Security: With robust encryption protocols and decentralized networks, prioritizes the security and privacy of its users’ transactions.
  3. Global Accessibility: Gone are the days of geographical constraints, enables users from across the globe to participate in the burgeoning world of cryptocurrency.
  4. Innovative Solutions: From digital wallets to decentralized exchanges, Fintechasianet crypto facto continues to innovate, offering users a diverse array of financial solutions.

    Riding the Crypto Wave: Fintechasianet’s Genesis

    At the heart of the digital revolution lies cryptocurrency, a decentralized form of digital currency that operates independently of traditional banking systems. Enter Fintechasianet crypto facto, a trailblazer in the world of fintech, harnessing the power of blockchain technology to revolutionize financial transactions. But what sets Fintechasianet crypto facto apart from the myriad of other players in the field?

    Breaking Down Fintechasianet’s Core Offerings

    1. Seamless Transactions: It offers users a seamless experience, allowing for instant peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries.
    2. Security: With robust encryption protocols and decentralized networks,prioritizes the security and privacy of its users’ transactions.
    3. Global Accessibility: Gone are the days of geographical constraints. It crypto facto enables users from across the globe to participate in the burgeoning world of cryptocurrency.
    4. Innovative Solutions: From digital wallets to decentralized exchanges, Fintechasianet crypto facto continues to innovate, offering users a diverse array of financial solutions.

      Embracing Innovation: Fintechasianet’s Ongoing Evolution

      In the ever-evolving landscape of fintech, adaptability is key, and Fintechasianet understands this better than most. With a finger firmly on the pulse of technological advancements, Fintechasianet continues to evolve and expand its offerings to meet the ever-changing needs of its users.

      Diving into Fintechasianet’s Latest Endeavors

      1. DeFi Integration: Fintechasianet is at the forefront of the decentralized finance (DeFi) movement, integrating innovative DeFi solutions into its platform to provide users with even greater financial autonomy.
      2. NFT Marketplace: Recognizing the growing popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Fintechasianet has recently launched its own NFT marketplace, allowing users to buy, sell, and trade digital assets with ease.
      3. Smart Contract Solutions: Leveraging smart contract technology, is pioneering the development of automated contract execution, streamlining processes and reducing the need for intermediaries.

      Navigating the Fintech Landscape: Tips from Experts

      As the fintech industry continues to evolve at breakneck speed, staying ahead of the curve can be daunting. However, the experts at are here to offer some invaluable advice for navigating the ever-changing fintech landscape:

      Top Tips for Fintech Enthusiasts

      1. Stay Informed: With new developments emerging daily, staying informed is crucial. Make use of reputable fintech news sources and stay abreast of the latest trends and innovations.
      2. Embrace Change: The fintech landscape is constantly evolving, and those who embrace change are best positioned for success. Stay adaptable and open-minded in the face of new technologies and paradigms.
      3. Network: Networking is essential in any industry, but perhaps even more so in fintech. Connect with fellow enthusiasts, attend industry events, and engage in meaningful conversations to expand your knowledge and opportunities.
      4. Diversify Your Portfolio: In the world of fintech, diversity is key. Explore a variety of investment options, from cryptocurrencies to traditional stocks, to mitigate risk and maximize potential returns.

      Conclusion: The Fintechasianet crypto facto Journey Continues

      As we’ve journeyed through the realm of fintech, one thing has become abundantly clear – the rise of crypto is far from over. With its unwavering commitment to innovation, security, and accessibility, Fintechasianet crypto facto is poised to continue leading the charge in the crypto facto revolution for years to come.

      So whether you’re a seasoned fintech enthusiast or a curious newcomer, one thing is certain – the future of finance is here, and Fintechasianet is leading the way. Join us as we embark on this exciting journey towards a more inclusive, secure, and innovative financial future.

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Unveiling the Mysteries of TCCs in Tracking: A Journey into Understanding




Unveiling the Mysteries of TCCs in Tracking: A Journey into Understanding

What are TCCs in Tracking?

Third-Party Cookies are small pieces of data generated by websites other than the one a user is currently visiting. These cookies enable advertisers to track users across different sites, gathering valuable insights into their browsing behavior. This information is then used to deliver targeted ads and personalize the user experience.

The Evolution of Tracking

For years, TCCs have been the backbone of digital advertising, empowering marketers to reach their target audiences with precision. However, recent developments, such as privacy concerns and regulatory changes, have prompted a shift away from reliance on TCCs in Tracking.

The Rise of Privacy Concerns

In an era marked by growing concerns over online privacy, TCCs in Tracking have come under intense scrutiny. Many users feel uneasy about being tracked across the web without their consent, leading to calls for greater transparency and control over personal data.

Regulatory Changes

In response to these concerns, regulators around the world have started taking action to protect user privacy. Measures such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States have introduced strict guidelines for the collection and use of personal data, including restrictions on the use of TCCs.

The Impact on Digital Marketing

As the use of TCCs becomes increasingly restricted, marketers are faced with the challenge of adapting to a new landscape. However, this shift also presents opportunities for innovation and creativity. By focusing on first-party data and building direct relationships with customers, marketers can create more meaningful and personalized experiences.

The Future of TCCs

While the future of TCCs may seem uncertain, one thing is clear: the era of unrestricted tracking is coming to an end. However, this does not mean the end of targeted advertising. Instead, it signals a transition towards more transparent and ethical practices that prioritize user privacy and consent.

Embracing Change

Adapting to the evolving landscape of tracking technologies requires a shift in mindset. Instead of viewing regulatory changes and privacy concerns as obstacles, marketers can embrace them as opportunities to foster trust and loyalty with their audience. By prioritizing transparency and offering users greater control over their data, brands can build stronger, more authentic relationships with their customers.

The Importance of First-Party Data

In the post-TCC era, first-party data will become increasingly valuable to marketers. Unlike third-party data obtained through TCCs, first-party data is collected directly from customers, usually with their consent. This data provides a more accurate and reliable understanding of customer behavior, enabling marketers to create more personalized and relevant experiences.

Building Trust Through Transparency

Transparency is key to building trust in the digital age. By being upfront about data collection practices and giving users clear options to opt-in or opt-out of tracking, brands can demonstrate their commitment to respecting user privacy. This transparency not only helps to comply with regulations but also fosters a sense of trust and goodwill with customers.

Leveraging Technology for Innovation

As TCCs in Tracking fade into the background, marketers will need to explore new technologies and strategies to reach their target audience effectively. From contextual targeting to machine learning algorithms, there are countless tools and techniques available to help marketers deliver relevant and engaging content to their audience without relying on invasive tracking methods.

The Role of Education and Collaboration

Navigating the changing landscape of tracking technologies requires collaboration and ongoing education within the marketing community. Marketers must stay informed about the latest developments in privacy regulations and technology trends to adapt their strategies effectively. Additionally, collaborating with industry peers and experts can provide valuable insights and best practices for navigating these changes.

Ethical Considerations in Marketing

As marketers explore alternative tracking methods and data collection practices, it’s crucial to uphold ethical standards and respect user privacy. This means being transparent about data usage, obtaining explicit consent from users, and implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive information. By prioritizing ethics and integrity, marketers can build trust and credibility with their audience, fostering long-term loyalty and brand advocacy.

The Power of Personalization

In the absence of TCCs in Tracking personalization will continue to be a key driver of marketing success. By leveraging first-party data and advanced targeting techniques, marketers can deliver tailored experiences that resonate with their audience on a deeper level. From personalized recommendations to dynamic content, there are countless ways to create meaningful interactions that drive engagement and conversion.


In the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. While the demise of TCCs in Tracking may pose challenges for marketers, it also presents an opportunity to embrace innovation, foster trust, and deliver more personalized experiences to customers. By adapting to the new realities of tracking and prioritizing user privacy, brands can position themselves for long-term success in the digital age.

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The Search for Authenticity: Unveiling the Mysteries of Certidor




The Search for Authenticity: Unveiling the Mysteries of Certidor

Unveiling Certidor: Your Passport to Authenticity

Certidor is not just another tool in your digital arsenal; it’s your passport to authenticity in the vast wilderness of the internet. In simple terms, Certidor is a revolutionary platform designed to verify the authenticity of digital content. Think of it as your digital notary, stamping its seal of approval on everything from articles and photos to videos and social media posts.

The Power of Authenticity

In a world plagued by misinformation and fake news, authenticity is more valuable than ever before. But how can you separate fact from fiction in a sea of digital noise? That’s where Certidor swoops in to save the day. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, Certidor ensures that every piece of verified content is tamper-proof and immutable.

Trust in the Digital Age

In the age of social media influencers and viral hoaxes, trust is a rare commodity. But with Certidor, trust is restored to its rightful place at the heart of the digital landscape. Whether you’re a journalist, marketer, or everyday internet user, Certidor gives you the confidence to navigate the online world with clarity and certainty.

How Certidor Works: Decoding the Magic

Now that we’ve scratched the surface of Certidor’s mystique, let’s roll up our sleeves and delve into the inner workings of this revolutionary platform. At its core, Certidor utilizes blockchain technology to create a decentralized network of trust. But what exactly does that mean?

Blockchain: The Building Blocks of Trust

Blockchain is the backbone of Certidor, providing an unbreakable chain of trust that links every verified piece of content to its rightful creator. Imagine a digital ledger that records every transaction and interaction, leaving behind an indelible trail of authenticity. That’s the power of blockchain, and Certidor harnesses it to its fullest potential.

Verification Protocols: Cracking the Code

But how does Certidor verify the authenticity of content in the first place? Through a sophisticated system of verification protocols, Certidor analyzes each piece of content with pinpoint accuracy. From metadata analysis to image recognition algorithms, Certidor leaves no stone unturned in its quest for authenticity.

The Human Touch: Beyond Algorithms

While algorithms play a crucial role in Certidor’s verification process, human oversight is equally important. After all, no algorithm can match the intuition and discernment of the human mind. That’s why Certidor employs a team of expert validators to review and verify content with meticulous attention to detail.

The Benefits of Certidor: A Game-Changer in the Digital Landscape

Now that we’ve peeled back the layers of Certidor’s complexity, let’s take a moment to appreciate the tangible benefits it brings to the table. From journalists and marketers to everyday internet users, Certidor levels the playing field and empowers everyone to engage with digital content in a meaningful way.

Credibility and Authenticity

In a world saturated with clickbait headlines and sensationalist stories, credibility is currency. With Certidor, you can rest assured that every piece of verified content is backed by airtight authenticity. Say goodbye to fake news and hello to a digital landscape built on trust and integrity.

Protection Against Misinformation

Misinformation is a pervasive threat in the digital age, spreading like wildfire across social media platforms and news outlets. But with Certidor, misinformation meets its match. By verifying the authenticity of content at the source, Certidor helps stem the tide of misinformation and promotes informed discourse.

Transparency and Accountability

One of the cornerstones of a healthy democracy is transparency and accountability. With Certidor, transparency isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a way of life. By providing a transparent record of verified content, Certidor holds creators accountable for their digital footprint and fosters a culture of accountability in the online world.

The Future of Certidor: Pioneering the Path Forward

As we gaze into the crystal ball of digital innovation, one thing is clear: the future of Certidor is brighter than ever before. With each passing day, Certidor continues to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the internet. From expanding its reach to new platforms to enhancing its verification capabilities, Certidor is committed to staying ahead of the curve.

Expanding Horizons

In the fast-paced world of technology, stagnation is not an option. That’s why Certidor is constantly exploring new frontiers and expanding its horizons. Whether it’s integrating with emerging social media platforms or partnering with like-minded organizations, Certidor is always on the lookout for new opportunities to make a positive impact.

Innovation and Adaptation

Innovation is the lifeblood of Certidor, driving its relentless pursuit of excellence. From refining its verification protocols to implementing cutting-edge AI technologies, Certidor is dedicated to staying at the forefront of digital innovation. By embracing change and embracing the unknown, Certidor paves the way for a brighter, more authentic future.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey

As we bring our journey through the labyrinth of Certidor to a close, let’s take a moment to reflect on the lessons we’ve learned along the way. In a world where truth is often elusive and authenticity is a rare gem, Certidor shines as a beacon of hope. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology and human ingenuity, Certidor empowers us to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and clarity. So the next time you find yourself lost in the sea of online content, remember that Certidor is always by your side, guiding you on the path to authenticity.

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